We’re looking for a Treasurer!

Per our bylaws, Blank Conversations requires a Treasurer as part of our Board of Directors. The Treasurer, outlined in Article VII Section 7, is responsible for overseeing and handling of all finances within the organization. They are tasked with maintaining insight on all business transactions, budgets for productions, and more!

This is a volunteer position and—like all positions on the Board of Directors—receives no financial compensation.


What am I responsible for?

Your job is to oversee the finances of Blank Conversations. You maintain record keeping of receipts, box office reports, monthly expense payouts, ad potentially other items depending on the season. You will collaborate with producers assigned to each production to ensure cash handling is properly maintained, and help determine a show’s budget. Once a voted member of the Board of Directors, you will be given access to the organizations’ bank account information to regularly maintain.

What may be expected of me?

In addition to your direct responsibilities as Treasurer, you will be a part of the Board of Directors for Blank Conversations. This entails one, monthly meeting, in which you will be asked to share with the Board any updates or information needing to be shared regarding the company’s finances. There may be additional tasks that you are encouraged to partake in as a member of the Board.

How long is a term as Treasurer?

You would be joining as interim Treasurer. Elections for positions on the Board of Directors occur yearly in February. So, if you hate it, you can leave in February. If you love it, you can run to do it again in February!

Do I need to be a theatre person? Do I need to be a finance person?

No! In fact, we prefer it if you hate theatre! (Just Kidding) Any person interested in being a part of our organization in a bigger way is encouraged to apply. Whether you’ve seen or been a part of our shows, or if you are looking to expand your financial interests, we’re happy to have you here.

So, what do I need to do?

Fill out our application form above to the best of your ability. Once completed, you will be scheduled for a phone call interview regarding your application. From there, a member of the Board of Directors will inform you if they wish to interview you again with the larger team, or if we have decided to go with another candidate. Any insight you can give about your experience handling finances will be appreciated and accepted along the way.

Ready to apply?